Maine Informed Consent

Maine Informed Consent is dedicated to preserving the rights of Mainers to choose which vaccines they will receive and which they will decline for themselves and their children. Current Maine law recognizes this right, but currently both vaccine industry and public health officials, have been pressing to make vaccination mandatory, and remove the basic human right of the individual to refuse a medical procedure, through coercive means, including expulsion from school, employment termination, steep fines and even jail time. Additionally, many parents do not know that they have the right to abstain from any single vaccine or vaccination as a whole, […]

A Bill To Prohibit Mandatory Vaccinations

Representative Doug Thomas, District 24 – Athens, Charleston, Dexter, Garland, Harmony and Ripley has submitted a bill that would prohibit mandatory vaccinations. It will appear before the Legislative Council on October 15th where the decision to assign it to a committee or to throw it out will be made. If they throw it out there is no discussion about this extremely important issue. The general public is unaware that this bill has been submitted and will have no knowledge of its progress. * People have sovereignty over their own bodies. * Personal health care decisions are part of the current […]

Action Alert!

Notes For Action This campaign’s purpose is first and foremost to get this bill through the Legislative Council. The only way I can see to influence the Council’s decision is to get a magnifying glass on them. NOW: Phase 1: Get this bill of Maine’s into the buzz of the web and into our own neighborhoods. If you are able to make copies of the “Alert”, please do. Pin it up in corner stores, gas stations, Laundromats, Post Offices, Town Offices, Libraries etcIf you are able to make many copies and leave in small stacks in these places even better. […]

Sample Letters to Legislators

SAMPLE LETTER #1: Dear I am contacting you about the bill submitted by Representative Doug Thomas which would prohibit mandatory vaccinations and urge you to vote for this bill to go forward. Maine has 186 legislators to fully represent the people of Maine, yet 10 will get to decide if this bill gets thrown out or is allowed to go forward. The people of Maine need to have an opportunity to be heard on this extremely important issue. Other states are preparing for the removal of our natural rights to control what is put into our own bodies. The legislation […]

The Maine Legislative Council

The Maine Legilsative Council needs to hear from you! The Legislative Council is scheduled to meet:•  September 23, 2009•  October 15, 2009  This is the meeting where determinations on bills will be made.•  November 5, 2009•  December 17, 2009The link to the Legislative Council is: Council.htmLegislative Council Members: D Rep. Hannah M. Pingree, Speaker of the House, Chair of the Legislative CouncilAddress: P. O. Box 243, North Haven, ME 04853Home Telephone: (207) 867-0966Business Telephone: (207) 287-1300Home E-Mail: hannah@pingree.comState House E-Mail: D Sen. Elizabeth H. Mitchell, President of the Senate, Vice-chair of the Legislative Council Address: 277 Cushnoc Rd, […]

Press Release: Prohibit Mandatory Vaccinations

PRESS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Oct. 1, 2009     Contact:Cynthia Representative Doug PROHIBIT MANDATORY VACCINATIONS AUGUSTA- Representative Doug Thomas, District 24 has submitted a bill that will prohibit mandatory vaccinations. It will appear before the Legislative Council on October 15th. This Council of 10 legislators will decide if this bill will go into the trash can or go forward for serious consideration. The general public is unaware that this bill has been submitted and will have no knowledge of its progress. People have sovereignty over their own bodies. The H1N1 vaccine has not been thoroughly tested but distribution for […]