A Bill To Prohibit Mandatory Vaccinations

Representative Doug Thomas, District 24 – Athens, Charleston, Dexter, Garland, Harmony and Ripley has submitted a bill that would prohibit mandatory vaccinations.

It will appear before the Legislative Council on October 15th where the decision to assign it to a committee or to throw it out will be made. If they throw it out there is no discussion about this extremely important issue.

The general public is unaware that this bill has been submitted and will have no knowledge of its progress.

* People have sovereignty over their own bodies.
* Personal health care decisions are part of the current national debate.
* Personal private health care choices are your choices and yours alone.
* The H1N1 vaccine will have been tested for about 6 weeks but distribution for mass vaccinations goes forward.
* The WHO[1]issued this statement: “On the positive side, mass vaccination campaigns can generate significant safety data within a few weeks.”
* Informed Consent [2] requires that the people of Maine be protected to make their own decisions regarding what is injected into their own bodies.

This legislation needs to go forward, now, where it can be thoroughly debated.

Massachusetts[3] was the focus most recently as they have a bill that threatens the rights of individuals to their health decisions, their private property and threatens detention for non-compliance with any vaccination mandates if a pandemic is declared.  Pennsylvania’s Pandemic Plan [4] requires mandatory physicals.

This bill, which will protect the people of Maine, needs your attention.

[1] http://www.who.int/csr/disease/swineflu/notes/h1n1_safety_vaccines_20090805/en/index.html

[2] http://www.hhs.gov/ohrp/humansubjects/guidance/45cfr46.htm#46.116

[3] http://www.mass.gov/legis/bills/senate/186/st02/st02028.htm

[4] http://www.pandemicflu.gov/plan/states/stateplans.html

For more info:

Representative Doug Thomas


Find out what YOU can do

Cynthia Rosen

Your Body ~ Your Choice